MQM to withdraw support if operation launched: Altaf

KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Founder and Leader Altaf Hussain has alleged agencies have started an organized plot against his party and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is equally involved in it.

In an exclusive interview with Voice of America on Thursday, he claimed he had concrete evidence that the agencies were involved in killings in the country but he did not know whom to submit these proofs. He said if we continue to be targetted we will have no option "but to withdraw our support to the government."

Mr Hussain said the deployment of Rangers in Karachi was a preparation of another 1992-like operation against his party. He said the organised and planned manner in which the situation in Karachi was being deteriorated was aimed at demolishing the edifice of democracy in the country. He said the prevailing situation in Karachi is a result of a conspiracy to pave the way for imposition of Governor's Rule or some other arrangement aimed to curtail democracy in Sindh. The actual intention is to create a law and order situation in Karachi to justify operation to crush the MQM. About asking his workers to go underground, Altaf Hussain said in view of the existing situation he has ordered his workers to go underground.

He said when the 1992 army operation was launched we were told that it would be directed against dacoits, kidnappers, and other criminals but it turned out to be solely against the MQM. " This time again the same thing is being repeated. Plan is the same." "The agencies continue to patronise terrorists in Sindh and have arrested none of those involved in creating law and order situation in Karachi. The prime minister and his government have failed to arrest the actual criminals and terrorists whereas the workers of MQM, their relatives and parents are being arrested like it happened in 1992.

Asked if the federal government is helpless, Altaf Hussain said cabinet ministers in 1992 had opposed the operation. They had told us that they were helpless and we agreed with their assessment." But even if now the prime minister does not stop the operation against then we would be forced to think that he is party to conspiracies against us."

Alleging direct interference of the Establishment in the internal and administrative affairs of the province to subdue it and control their resources, Altaf Hussain said MQM was the only party which the Establishment doesn't like. He warned "if the situation didn't change, we will have no option but to withdraw our support to the government."

The MQM Founder and Leader observed the country's borders were not safe as the security forces were involved in politics. Altaf also criticised the security forces for taking no bold step to liberate Kashmir. "Time and again the security forces have involved themselves in operations inside the country but why don't they show courage and liberate Kashmir so that this issue ends once for all," he said and added the issue of Kashmir was being exploited only to gain political mileage. "Time and again the security forces involve themselves in operations inside the country but why don't they show courage and liberate Kashmir so that this issue ends once for all."

To a question about the government's assertions of involvement of foreign hand in karachi violence, Altaf Hussain replied in negative saying " this is internal terrorism, engineered by our agencies. "We have all the evidence to prove it but to whom should we present the evidence to." "If an international court is set up comprising neutral UN judges, we will produce the evidence that Pakistani agencies were involved in terrorism." To a question about reviewing MQM alliance with Muslim League, he said the meetings of the MQM Coordination Committee are underway and if the present situation prevails, MQM will have no other choice "but to withdraw our support to the government since we are answerable to our voters whose children are getting killed and arrested."