The sacrifices rendered by Chicago labours in 1886 would always remain a beacon of light for the poor and oppressed labours of the world: Altaf Hussain
Posted on: 5/1/2014 1
We can bring change and prosperity in our country by giving poor labours their due rights in Pakistan.
The founder and leader of MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain has said that we can bring change and prosperity in our country by giving poor labours their due rights in Pakistan.
“All over the world labours are held in esteem and their families are provided good facilities. Unfortunately, labours are not given their due rights in Pakistan, “ Mr. Hussain said this in his message on the occasion of ‘Labour Day’.
“Poor labours have been in the clutches of feudal lords, waderas and industrialists for the past 65 years. These tyrants, who have also been rulers, have deprived labours their basic rights, which are enjoyed by the labours of developed and democratic nations. That’s why Pakistan is in economic turmoil. Labours play an important role in the development and prosperity of any country. The country where they are ignored and exploited remain poor and underdeveloped, “ Mr. Hussain said.
“Labours are denied basic rights, concessions and facilities in Pakistan so they remain poor and cannot enjoy life. There has been two classes of people in Pakistan since its creation – poor and rich classes. The privileged class which is 2% of the population is enjoying all the luxuries of life and the 98% people consisting of poor and middle classes have to struggle to get basic things like education, healthcare and food, “ Mr. Hussain deplored.
Mr. Hussain said that the sacrifices rendered by Chicago labours in 1886 would always remain a beacon of light for the poor and oppressed labours of the world. Chicago labours struggled against the state repression for their rights. They faced imprisonment and deaths. The oppression could not frightened them and they fought for their rights. He added we held labour day to remember their supreme sacrifices and pay tribute to them.
2/22/2025 1:34:49 AM