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 Posted on: 8/19/2019


My Dear Naïve and Innocent People of Kashmir!

Assalam o Alikum

I hereby with this message of mine am tuned in to the people of Kashmir. If we look back in the past and go through the 72 year long struggle, it would be learnt that during the partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947, there were 650 Princely States under the British Rule over the Indian subcontinent. The problem with these Princely States was to choose between India and Pakistan for the accession or that they would prefer to remain independent. Maharaja Hari Singh, the ruler of Kashmir had chosen to stay neutral but he was stunned when Pakistan invaded   Kashmir through the Muslims of tribal areas and that particular situation pushed Maharaja Hari Singh to seek support from India and himself shifted to Delhi, India.

Maharaja Hari Singh reached an accord with the government of India on Oct 26, 1947 for the accession of Kashmir to India. Repeated insurgencies into Indian held Kashmir by Pakistan revoked a much flamed situation inside the valley of Kashmir and thus the first war between Pakistan and India was commenced between 1947 to 1948. India then moved United Nations on the issue of Kashmir on Jan 1st,1948 and the later warned Pakistan through a resolution to withdraw its troops from Kashmir.  India had also pulled its troops from the valley. The UN had through its resolution provided an opportunity to the people of Kashmir to decide through a plebiscite whether they would merge with India or with Pakistan or want independent. India was certain that she would succeed in plebiscite thus appointed a highly influential personality, Sheikh Abdullah as Prime Minister of Kashmir on 30th October 1948. However, Pakistan continued to militarise the valley of Kashmir and dragged the existing Azad Kashmir and merged it to Pakistan and named it as Azad Kashmir. War in Kashmir was stopped on intervention of the UN on Jan 1,1949 and accordingly 65 percent of Kashmir remained with India and 35 percent with Pakistan. However, the LoC (Line of Control) continued to face fierce exchange of fire after this delimitation and finally the LoC became the border.India changed the position of Kashmir in 1957 by giving special status under the article 370 of the Indian constitution.

Pakistan and India were again stuck with war in 1965 and on the intervention of the UN and other important countries of the world, the war ended in September 1965. On Jan 1, 1966, Tashkent Accord was reached between India and Pakistan which wassigned by Indian Premier Lal Bahadur Shastri and Pakistan’s military president Field Marshal Ayub Khan.

In 1971, Pakistan and India were once again engaged in war, as a result one new,free and autonomous country Bangladesh emerged on world map. In that war of 1971, approximately, 93, 000 Pakistani troops had surrendered willingly to Indian Army as they chose to lay their weapons instead of embracing martyrdom.Nonetheless, these two neighbouring countries continued to play hide and seek game since day one. Pakistan continued to wreak havoc inside Indian Kashmir through its own created proxies (Non-State Actors) and continued to instill an idea into minds of the Kashmiris to join Pakistan in the name Islam.

Pakistan continued to instigate the Kashmiris in the name of Jihad and continued to send armed Jihadists to Kashmir and for all that exercise, the Military Establishment continued to bag millions of dollars from Muslim World – in the  name of Jihad and Islam – but Pakistani Military always avoided to confront the Indian Army face to face in Kashmir. Pakistani Military continued to dupe the naïve and innocent Kashmiris.

My Dear Kashmiris!

I’ve precisely narrated the history of Kashmir in this message of mine because I want them to learn what the truth of history is and what the lies are. This is meant for making the people of Kashmir to know about their history and that they should acquire a real knowledge about the ghoulish face and character of Pakistani Military Establishment. There are a few popular Pakistani Military engineered slogans that duped Kashmiris. Such as;

  • Kashmir will merge into Pakistan
  • We will take freedom
  • The true meaning of Azadi is that there is no god but Allah
  • Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan
  • Pakistani Military is standing shoulder to shoulder with the people of Kashmir
  • Pakistani Military would always join Kashmiris in their fight against India
  • Pakistan is a nuclear state and it won’t allow India to inflict any tyranny on Kashmiris
  • The entire Pakistani Military is with the people of Kashmir ….etc;

My Dear Naïve and Innocent People of Kashmir!

Nowyou have witnessed from your own eyes that India revoked the special status ofKashmir by repealing the article 370 of the Indian Constitution and had thus annexed the Jammu and Kashmir and Laddakh into Indian Union.

I’ve always been very vocal on Pakistan’s diplomatic and foreign affairs tactics as Pakistan has always been showing that she actively supported and advocated for the cause of Kashmir and had also established a Kashmir Committee equal to the status of Federal Ministry, which chairmen enjoyed foreign trips across the globe in the garb of Kashmir cause. Even, federal Minister used to enjoy such trips to the world. Pakistan had also appointed special staffers in the UN on the matter of Kashmir and despite spending billions, nothing was achieved for Kashmir. The Kashmir Committee Chairmen and Federal Minister had during their so-called foreign tours in the garb of Kashmir plundered the national exchequer and privately shopped with that money. In the end, Pakistan’s foreign and diplomatic spread over 72 years are failed utterly and Kashmiris gained nothing from it and finally the last nail in the coffin was driven by India on Aug 5,2019.

Where have Pakistani Military’s claims disappeared? Why Pakistani Military is reluctant to join the people of Kashmir in their war for freedom from India?Why Pakistani Military is showing cowardice and why it does not make advancements for the independence of Kashmir with the Kashmiri freedom fighters? Where the claims of supporting Kashmiris till end have disappeared?

God knows better what the Pakistani Military would do from hundreds of miles away!

My Dear Oppressed and Naïve People of Kashmir!

UN Security Council meeting was held on Aug 16, 2019 on China’s requisition, but Pakistan gained nothing except disappointment at the level of foreign Policy and Diplomatic tactical efforts. Not a single country from the Muslim World supported Pakistan and it was a sheer defeat on the front of the UN. Not a single democracy of the world stepped forward to support Pakistan. Now, after embracing humiliation on the forum of the UN, Pakistani Military Establishment is using another tactic to be fool the people of Kashmir and that tactic is that they would take the matter of Kashmir to all the available forum of the world so that the people of India held Kashmir could get justice and freedom. They are also telling the people of Pakistan and Kashmir that the war they are going to fight will know no time limit and perhaps they would keep that war alive till the last Kashmiri would breathe his last. But the very fact is that the Kashmir is under curfew for consecutive 13 days since Aug 5, 2019 and the people of Kashmir are starving of food, medicines and their children are facing acute starvation and the sick are being deprived of medical assistance.Meanwhile, the Pakistani Military Establishment was busy in Independence Day jubilations and the naïve Kashmiris continued to face the hardship and kept looking at the world for help.

My People of Kashmir!

I appeal you all that for God’s sake …stop trusting the Pakistani Military Establishment and the Government of Pakistan. Both the civil and military governments have been duping you since past 72 years and continue to this date.I am also in shock to see people of Kashmir in extreme state of dilapidation and deprivation. I earnestly pray for their ease and comfort, safety and peaceful life.

But,keep one thing in mind that God will never provide them assistance provided that they take the steps forward. Please stop relying on the ghoulish Pakistani Military and the Civilian Government for ever. Devise your own strategy foryour future and the future generations by learning lessons from the past. Get united and use best strategy and make full use of practical and scientific means to accomplish the required goals.

God bless you all. (Amen).

Yours sincerely,

Altaf Hussain

18,August 2019 - London

2/22/2025 2:02:37 AM