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No place for criminal elements in MQM: Altaf Hussain

No place for criminal elements in MQM: Altaf Hussain
 Posted on: 3/21/2015
MQM does not believe in violence and militancy
MQM leader Altaf Hussain has said that MQM does not believe in violence and militancy. He declared that there is zero tolerance for criminal elements within its rank and file. He expressed these views while addressing gatherings held in more than twenty cities of USA and Canada including Chicago, New York, Toronto, Calgary, and Montreal in connection with the 31st Foundation Day of the MQM.
Speaking on the occasion he said, “Our houses are being raided and innocent people are being thrown in jail but we are supporting Pakistan Army for the sake of the country.”
“When someone is awarded death sentence and his death warrant is issued after the rejection of his mercy appeal, he is confined in a death cell after a last meeting with his family members. He remains confined in the death cell and is not allowed to meet anyone.”
“It is a peculiar incident of its kind that Sault Mirza was given a script which was recorded and released to all TV channels one day before his execution. This recorded statement was given huge publicity. There is no such example in the history of the world.”
“Whether the people who did this illegal action belong to Army Establishment or Civil Establishment, they have tried to defame the MQM by levelling vicious allegations through Saulat Mirza.”
“Other parties also expel people but there was no other example where a person expelled from the party was allowed to throw mud on the party and its leadership as has been done in case of the MQM.”
“The Supreme Court had talked about the presence of militant wings in all political and religious parties but the MQM has been singled out for running a smear campaign against it.”
“It was said that the Karachi Operation will be impartial and non-discriminatory but the MQM is being singled out and victimized. Ever since the start of the operation more than 100 MQM workers have been martyred, hundreds have been taken prisoner and dozens have gone missing.”
Mr Hussain paid rich tributes to the young MQM worker Waqas Ali Shah who was gunned down by Rangers during the raid at Nine Zero.
He asked the office-bearers and workers to inform human rights organizations and members of US and Canadian parliaments about the injustices committed on MQM workers back home.
“Biased analysts say in their analyses and commentaries that MQM can become a good party if Altaf Hussain could disassociate himself from it. I would leave the party if it is acceptable to people.”
Participants of the gatherings raised slogans and said it was not acceptable to them.
Mr Hussain said, “Just as there are bad people in politics there are bad people in the army as well but the entire army is not bad. The army has started Zarb-e-Azb for freeing the country from the menace of terrorism. Although our houses are being raided and innocent people arrested, yet we are supporting the army for the sake of the country.”
He said, “We want to end the age-old feudal system and corrupt political culture from Pakistan. We want to establish a just, equitable, democratic and liberal society in Pakistan according to the ideals of the founder of Pakistan Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.”
“We are totally against imposing our beliefs and our own interpretation of Sharia on other by use of force. We want to give equal rights to people irrespective of the prejudices of caste, colour, creed, language, sect, and religion.”
“We condemn the killings of innocent Muslims by Taliban, al-Qaeda, and ISIS. We also condemn the killings of innocent Christians and members of other minority groups in Pakistan by extremist elements.”
“We want peaceful relations with neighbouring countries.”
Mr Hussain said, “The MQM will introduce a uniform system of education for all if it came in government. Schools, colleges, hospitals will be built and a network of small industries will be built throughout Pakistan.”
“Industrialization will be facilitated by one-window operation. A quota of 50 per cent will be reserved for women in every sphere of life. Arable land will be distributed among farmers and peasants.”
“Pakistan will be made a weapons-free society like Great Britain. People would be empowered at grassroots under a functioning Local Government System. Law and order situation will be improved by hiring police at local level.
Mr Hussain demanded PM Nawaz Sharif to give the right to vote and the right to contest elections to overseas Pakistanis.
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7/8/2024 3:19:05 PM