Verbaitm and Video: Grave Threatening Message of Maulana Abdul Aziz of Lal Majid (Red Mosque) In Islamabad against QET Altaf Hussain
Posted on: 12/21/2014
Threatening Video Youtube
"Hafsa University" Pledges Allegiance to IS (Daily Motion / Youtube)
Altaf Hussain’s infidelic beliefs and our weakness
I said this a few days back that the standard we have is double standard that whoever has power and might can do whatever he wants, it is such a free state. No one condemns it but if oppressed ones does something then everyone condemn it. There was a reactive chaos across country on it. Alhamdulillah after 2 days Allah Tabarak Wata Aaala has shown its true picture that my this point of view has been obliged. Yesterday AltafHussain in Karachi said in a rally address to demolish LalMasjid, burn Lal Masjid, and destroy Lal Masjid, to shut down Lal Masjid. I since yesterday till now, 18 hours have passed since he gave his statement and I have watched it several times in the media to see if someone is giving a statement to condemn it but up till now condemning statement up till now there is no condemning state on media, 18 hours have passed. This is our double standard, about which I was talking about that powerful can do anything and he is pardoned. Media will give place to people who have the power and cases will be registered for those who have power. Yesterday on the name of Civil Society some thankless people of Shia sect have started a campaign against me. They reached and sieged Aabpara Police Station and registered a false case that Abdul Aziz came to us with armed protocol and that he has threatened us.
I swear upon Allah that I am absolutely unaware of this act and my gunmen were with me and I did not go there towards them and by force they sieged the Police Station and registered the case.
The case was registered by force. Police also launched the FIR without considering the facts. The criteria of registering case is by force and the criteria of media time is also based on power and force.
And the criteria to condemn something is also power. 18 hours have passed. Neither Maulana Fazulur Rahman has condemned, nor Maulana Samiul Haq has condemned, neither WafaqulMadaris have condemned, neither Mr. Siraj ul Haq has condemned. May be they can have difference with Abdul Aziz, they can have difference with Umme Hassaan, they can have differences with the female students of Jamiya Hafsa. With LalMasjid. This oppressor and cruel men, this killer of the students of Jamiya Hafsa who smells blood is behind the Lal Masjid killings, and he arranged another such demonstration in past as well.
In which proposed to carry out an armed assault on JamiyaHafsa and carry out the killings. I dare Altaf Hussain to come here. You coward, you the killer of Jamiya Hafsa students. You said it before to kill them. If you had courage you would have come to Pakistan and gave these statements in Pakistan but you are a coward you are abroad and giving such statements. We have Alhamdulillah given such great sacrifices. Jamiya Hafsawas sacrified, students were killed, my father was killed, my mother was killed, my brother and son were killed, my cousins were killed, students were killed but I am still sitting in Islamabad. You are a coward. You are in Britain and talking about demolishing Allah’s houses, you oppressor. Those who demolish Allah’s houses meet their fates. See how Pervez Musharraf cannot live in Islamabad. He cannot go to any gathering, he cannot go to any meeting. Shoes will be thrown at him.
Come back, people will through shoes at you. You talk about demolishing Allah’s house. Inshaallah, the army of Allah, the army of Islam and the lions of Islam are here, Come. You talk about demolishing Allah’s house. Come to Pakistan, to see the dire consequences of what you have said. You talk like this.
And you are a coward and speaking like this while sitting over there. We will not let you demolish Allah’s houses. We have given sacrifices before Alhadulillah. We defended Allah’s house, defended the madaris. You talk about shutting down Jamiya Hafsa and to stop and destroy Lal Masjid. See what happened to Musharraf. Can he come to a gathering? Can he go to any bazar? Can he go to any public gathering? No. Look at him and look at his end. This proves that our stance is right. The criteria to condemn is based on power. When and wherever a powerful person does something, no one says anything. Oppressed one say something media shows condemning statements of different people. Why there is no such condemning statements? He is talking about demolishing Allah’s house. Why wafaqul madaris is not saying anything now? Connection with Jamiya Hafsa was removed, why doesn’t anybody speak on this?
That’s why dual standards were established. I spoke against this very standard that is should be finished. A debate can be conducted on Allah’s command. God forbid a vocation can be done on Allah’s command. But if powerful people takes a strict decision. There is not debate on Pervez Musharraf, if his decision was right or wrong? They all talk about Shariat when a weak or oppressed person says something. We say, we condemn Peshawar’s attack 100 times. But we say that, when a powerful person say something, it should be condemned as well. 18 hours have passed since yesterday and not a single condemning statement has come out on this oppressor’s statement. But if there is a statement after this, then I don’t know about this. But I have seen the media till now and there is not a single statement against this. Inshaallah the people of Jamiya Hafsa and LalMasjid are alive, whoever turns his bad eye towards them, will meet its consequences. We have defended our mosque and madaris before and we will defend them again inshaallah.
3/1/2025 12:16:09 AM