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Play Safe By: Imbisat Mallick

 Posted on: 9/13/2013   Views:3120
Play Safe
By: Imbisat Mallick

MQM demanded Military operation in Karachi and that was the turning point for Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. The whole nation was, lo and behold, who they should see none other then Prime Minister Mian Nawaz Sharif accompanied with his advisers artillery in Karachi.
Nawaz Sharif is a changed personality during his occupancy of Prime Minister House compared to his two other occasions. May be nation is too adolescent in terms of tricks of politics to notice that change but army, bureaucracy and especially politicians are surely noticed that change and surely acting accordingly. Nawaz Sharif never knew after gaining majority in assemblies that ecstasy of success could be more worrying then losing the elections. Once in charge, Mr Sharif did not make any hasty decisions, as he was not only facing uphill tasks to overcome terrorisms, energy crises, economical situation and most of all to gather scattered nation under one umbrella of Pakistan. Meetings with the chiefs of army and secret agencies were a clear indication that Mr Sharif wants to involve all quarters of Pakistan at the moment of time. Either Mr Sharif felt that shabby condition of country doesn’t allow him to take heap of decisions by himself or doesn’t want to get any culpability. Mr Sharif wanted to involve others as well so God forbidden something goes wrong; he wouldn’t be the only one to get blame. Mr Sharif always had the label of being a “democratic dictator” who doesn’t like to be told, he always makes his own decisions or he just takes advices from his close circle of family and friends. Mr Sharif believes that short cut for fame and popularity has its price and nation who has given him majority in elections could turn their backs in instant, so this time his policy very rightly is “Play Safe”. Keeping PMLN away from KPK and Balochistan government is prime example of his readiness not to get involve in any controversy.
Pakistan Peoples Party is now playing friendly opposition, a role played by PMLN during last five years. Asif Ali Zardari frankly stated that his party, PPP doesn’t want to derail democracy and PMLN government should complete five years of tenure. Last government of PPP in Sindh has done everything to put a smile on our enemy’s faces, Karachi, the city that provides millions of people countrywide bread and butter is wrecked. People dying, the whole administration has become corrupt; traders are closing their businesses, no light, water, electricity, gas, CNG available. Extortion and target killing made Karachi bleed, but rulers of PPP are too busy to solve any of these problems. New PPP government is not serious to make any efforts to rectify above mentioned problems of Karachi.
Mr Sharif also knows that the mess in Karachi is created by PPP and any attempt of therapy, could distend friendly apposition, PPP. Again “safe play” theory of Mr Sharif comes in practice during his last visit of Karachi, where he spent two days to discuss, how to improve law and order situation in Karachi. Mr Sharif very cleverly made himself aloof from all state of affairs of Karachi by putting every responsibility on the shoulders of Chief Minister of Sinh, Qaim Ali Shah and called him captain of the operation.
Karachiets are holding their heads in surprise and thinking that the government who germinated crimes, target killings, extortions in Karachi during last five years, could do any operation against its own sins.
Mr Sharif had four major issues after he sworn in as Prime Minister, KPK, Balochistan, Energy crises and Karachi law and order situation. He played his card very safe by handing over troubled KPK province to Tehreek-e- Insaf, despite being a majority party in Balochistan again he was not willing to take any risk and Abdul Malik a minority party leader was given Chief Ministership. Mr Sharif immediately made efforts to overcome of energy crises by giving out loan to private energy sectors and announcing Gidani Power Park. Only time will tell that how helpful these efforts would be to overcome energy crises in Pakistan or these attempts are only to give the Pakistani nation a fake hope. The last major issue of Karachi is almost resolved by Mr Sharif by making Qaim Ali Shah the captain of the operation to bring back peace in Karachi. Now all the blames to go against PPP and no finger pointing towards PMLN.
Now PPP will carry own its past strategy and harbouring criminals and operations against innocent citizens, traders and law obedient people. Prime Minister played his cards very ingeniously and his theory of “Play Safe” seems to be working positively for him. Nation and public interests could be looked after by next government but at least no one can accuse Mr Sharif and PMLN right now.