Karachi- 11 September 1999

The Members of Co-ordination Committee of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) strongly condemned the arrests of elderly persons and youths during the Police raids on the Head Office of the MQM, generally known as "Nine Zero", MPA Hostel and the central office of its charitable and social wing, the Khidmat-e-Khalq Foundation (KKF) by the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif through his co-opted "political agent" Ghaus Ali Shah and his Police imported from Punjab.

They said that during the raid, Police personnel from Punjab not only looted all the equipment, important files and valuables but were also shouting religious chants of "Allah Akbar" (God is Great) as if they had invaded Kargil or other enemy territories. "This manifestation of inhumanity, barbarism is a clear-cut evidence that Nawaz Sharif having been exposed on his corruption and lost confidence in his governance has become totally schizophrenic and suffering from the MQM syndrome", they stated. They further said that Nawaz Sharif, his "political agent" Ghaus Ali Shah and his minions are totally obsessed of the fear of losing power as a result of mounting public pressures and protests successfully mobilised by the MQM.

They further said that the repeated successes of the MQM in mobilising the people in Sindh during its "Million March" on 14th August 1999 and peaceful strikes bringing entire Sindh province to grinding halt on 4th and 9th September 1999 have sent shudders to the spine of Nawaz Sharif and his ruling PML (Pakistan Muslim League).

"This morning’s barbaric raids and arrests is a clear sign of sabotaging today's public rally in Karachi at Shahrah-e-Quaideen organised by the MQM and participated by the political parties of recently formed grand national alliance of opposition political parties", they stated. They said that Mr Altaf Hussain, founder and leader of the MQM would also address the public rally from London over the telephone.

The Members of the Co-ordination Committee demanded of the President of Pakistan, the Chief Justice of Pakistan and the Chief of the Army Staff to act speedily for the release of the unlawfully arrested elderly persons and youths belonging to the MQM and not to remain silent spectators. They further requested them to take notice of the unconstitutional and undemocratic acts of Nawaz Sharif.

"Having humiliated Armed Forces and Mujahideen in Kargil and virtually bankrupting Pakistan through his corrupt governance, the time of Nawaz Sharif’s humiliating exit from power is fast approaching", they said. The Members of the Co-ordination Committee advised Nawaz Sharif that he must stop his ghastly act of terrorism against the people of Sindh and the MQM or else he will be held accountable in the open court of the people of Sindh for his undemocratic and unconstitutional acts of colonising Sindh and enslaving its people.