Karachi-21 June 2007
Mr Anwar Alam and Mr Abdul Haseeb, In charge
and Joint In charge of the Rabita Committee respectively and Dr Nusrat, Member
Rabita Committee of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) responding to the comments of
a prominent lawyer on a private Pakistani Television in relation to the
Reference dispatched to the Election Commissioner during which he quoted the
Quranic verse Al-A’raf [7:23] that states:
“Rabbana thalamna anfusana wain lam taghfir lana watarhamna lanakoonanna mina alkhasireena”
that translates in English as:7:23 They said: "Our Lord! We have wronged our own souls: If thou forgive us not and bestow not upon us Thy Mercy, we shall certainly be lost." Welcoming his comments said that why this Quranic verse is applicable only in Imran Khan’s case, why not apply this to those thousands of men and women languishing in jail for years for violating Hudood Allah under Hudood Ordinance, why not make these prisoners recite this verse and set free. They further added that a prominent lawyer terming the fathering of an illegitimate child by Imran Khan in violation of Hudood Allah a political matter trying to nullify the laws of Hudood Allah. Lamenting the comments, they said that if that is the case then why the prominent lawyer not demands the abolition of the laws of Hudood Allah from the Constitution of Pakistan then why does he not say that God forbid! one set of law is prescribed for the rich while another for the poor in the religion of Islam? Castigating the comments, they further added that if poor violate the Hudood Allah, they are condemned to long term prison while for rich the recitation of this particular verse suffices.
Concluding their statement, they posed the following questions to the people at the helm of affairs, Members of the Provincial Assembly, National Assembly and the Senate.
Are the elected Members exempt from the laws of Hudood Allah and do the Articles 62 and 63 not applicable to them?
Do Articles 62 and 63 embodied in the Constitution and Hudood Ordinance are only and only implementable on the middle and poor classes of Muslims in Pakistan or only applicable on them?
Are the Laws different for the privileged and rich and elected Members of the Parliament and different for 160 million middle and poor classes of the country and if so then why this segregation has been shrouded until today from 160 million people of Pakistan?
Are only the poor and middle classes are worthy of punishments while the rich and rich elected Members exempt from punishment?
Are Police, Lock-ups and jails made for the poor while the facilitation of “House Arrests” is for the rich and exempt from imprisonment?
If the practice of forgiveness from Almighty Allah is sufficient then what is the need to formulate the laws of Hudood Allah and jurisprudence and if prayers and confessions are the solutions for the forgiveness from the major sins then what is the need of the Police, jails, Loc-ups and laws?