Since last year 55 workers were killed in target killings- MQM

To maintain the law and order situation in Sindh and its capital city Karachi is not just the responsibility of the MQM


Karachi. Ist January 2010

Deputy Convenor Anis Qaimkhani and the members of the MQM Coordination Committee warned the government that if the action is not taken accordingly by the law against these terrorists and those involved in the target killing and keep using delaying tactics then peaceful people may run out of their patience and for this they  will be responsible who are patronising these murderers. He was addressing a press conference at Khursheed Begum Memorial Hall, Azizabad, today. Members of the Coordination Committee Waseem Aftab, Kunwar Khalid Younus, Shakir Ali, Naik Mohammad and Saif Yar Khan were also present.

The Co-ordination Committee of the MQM said that 40 year old Imran Ahmed, a Haq Parast UC Nazim of Landhi Town, Karachi, was killed by unknown armed terrorists riding on a motor cycle on Thursday night on 31st December 2009 at 11.00 pm. He was sitting in an electronic shop in Landhi No. 1, after having come from a meeting where he was martyred in a target killing. Earlier, in the morning of 31st December at 11. am Basit Quraishi, a joint unit incharge of unit 19 Lyari Sector, was also killed in a target killing when he was leaving his home with his wife in Lyari.


Addressing the Press Conference MQM Coordination Committee said that 55 innocent workers of the MQM were killed since last year whereas 14 workers were killed within last two months as a result of target killing. He further said that MQM have been informing the President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani, Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik and Provisional Home Minister Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza about every incident of the target killing and the involvement of the criminals of Lyari Gang War and the terrorists of Haqiqi, including their hideouts and their patrons but sorry to say that not a single murderer of these martyrs was arrested.


He asked the Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik and Provisional Home Minister Dr Zulfiqar Mirza that in spite of pointing the murderers of innocent workers of the MQM and of those who are conspiring to sabotage the peace of Karachi why none of them were arrested.


He raised the question to both Federal and Provincial Governments that why they are hesitating to take lawful action against the criminals of Lyari Gang War and Haqiqi terrorist and what are the compulsions of the Governments that is stopping them to take lawful action against the murderers of the workers of its allied party. The doubts are prevailing among the workers and supporters of the MQM for not arresting the murderers of the martyrs of MQM. It is the basic duty of the Government to take notice of it. They further said that till what time we will keep on taking corpses of our people and keep on asking our people to remain patience on the killing of our workers, there is a limit to this patient.


They warned the government that if the action is not taken accordingly by the law against these terrorists and those involved in the target killings and keep using delaying tactics then peaceful people may run out of their patience and for this they will be responsible who are patronising these murderers. If the target killings are not stopped and the Government do not implement strong strategies then MQM will be free to formulate its own strategy in future.


Addressing to the diplomats, the MQM Coordination Committee said that whenever there is any law and order situation in Karachi MQM is blamed on the false report of the people who are against the MQM, but they are not taking any notice of the continued target killings of the MQM workers which is very regrettable. They said to the international community and the Diplomats that to maintain the law and order situation in Sindh and its capital city Karachi is not just the responsibility of the MQM.


Since last year 55 workers were killed in target killings and not a single murderer was arrested till today but no Diplomat has shown its concerned over these incidents. Are not the MQM workers human beings? He appealed to the International Community and Foreign Diplomats to take notice immediately on the target killings of the MQM workers and play their role to put an end to the killings of the innocent workers of the MQM.  


They appealed to the office bearers and workers of MQM not to be provoked on the target killings of workers of MQM, be patient and to maintain unity. MQM Coordination Committee demanded to the President of Pakistan and Prime Minister of Pakistan to take notice of the target killings of innocent workers of MQM, arrest the deadly murderers and their patrons for exemplary punishment.