03-02-2007 MQM Founder and Leader Mr. Altaf Hussain told a huge gathering
of Defence and Clifton resident here tonight that true democracy alone can save
Pakistan and help it join the race for progress.
The country unfortunately is yet to enter the 21st century in real sense and has been left far, far behind the western world, even India and Bangla Desh whose currencies have much better par value than ours, he lamented, adding that end to politics of inheritance and feudalism was a must for Pakistan to make its mark in the comity of nations.
Mr Hussein invited the technocrats of Defence and Clifton areas to advise the
party on development projects. He will arrange their meetings with Governor
Isrhatul Ebad and City Nazim Mustafa Kamal. Both of them were hectically engaged
in working for the betterment of the city of Karachi and the province.
They had already won the hearts of the people through commitment and dedication. Now that MQM, has for the first time, since 1988, been allowed to be in saddle for four years, it has proved its worth. It has hastened the pace of progress, and the city nazim within a short period of just over one year, has won acclaim of all. Some inconvenience has admittedly been caused to citizens because of digging of roads in one go, but there was no other option. But within a short period now, the face of Karachi will change, he felt sure.
Hussain reminded the people that MQM meant business and was used to work round
the clock for the betterment and welfare of the people. Its aim was to help the
country progress. He told his audience overcrowding the vast lawns of hotel in
Defence Society that situation around Pakistan and of the world, had put
Pakistan in a critical situation. None of the neighbours had good relations with
it, and the fall out of possible action against Iran, could be dangerous. Even
Pakistan can face a worse situation than Iran, he warned.
In such conditions, the countrymen needed unity in their ranks and should ponder
as to how best to save their country from external threats. Worst still was the
danger from the global warming for which the city and the country, will have to
redesign its drainage system. The MQM city nazim was trying to do that on
scientific lines to ward off possible eventualities.
Among the guests were business elite, intellectuals, and professionals living in Defence Society and Clifton. Mr Hussain said that MQM had won the hearts of the people from Karachi to Azad Kashmir by its actions and deeds and has surely won the hearts of the residents of posh areas also which was evident from the huge turn out at today's dinner get-together, arranged for Capt Akhlaq Hussain, MQM nominee for the by-elections for NA-250.
He asked the people whether they would vote for MQM which believed in sincerely
working for the people and had proved that time and agian or for slogan mongers.
The audience chanted that they would vote for MQM
He assured the womenfolk and minorities that none,not even mullahs, can harm
them or snatch their rights as long as the last MQM worker was alive.