London-17 February 2002

Mr Altaf Hussain, founder and leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) said that those are the true workers of the party, who are working selflessly and for no accolade or reward. He said that those were his true and beloved workers, whether they were working as workers or as office bearers while those, who work for compliments, honour and reward and joined the party for self-serving purposes and gluttony could not be true friends or workers of the party or Altaf Hussain. He said this while addressing the volunteers of the Khidmat-e-Khalq Foundation (KKF) and workers of the MQM over the telephone from London simultaneously in Karachi, Hyderabad, Mirpurkhas, Nawabshah, Sanghar and Sukkur. This Convention was arranged under the auspices of the KKF in preparation for collection of the hide and skins on the festive occasion of Eid-ul-Azha which was attended by the Members of the Central Co-ordination Committee of the MQM, office bearers of all Zones, Sectors, Units, APMSO (All Pakistan Mohajir Students Organisation), all other wings of the MQM and women workers besides the volunteers of the KKF, in a great number.

Mr Altaf Hussain asserted that one dead fish pollutes the entire pond and similarly a few workers and office bearers are enough in bringing the party to disrepute. He said that all office bearers, workers and the people stand witness that he had always preached respect for parents, teachers, women, elders and for each other. He said that all workers and office bearers should respect each other and should not exercise coercion and not adopt bureaucratic attitude. They should run the party through consultation and interaction while everyone should be provided the freedom to express their views. The workers and office bearers should always remember the sacrifices of the martyrs and during the campaign of collecting donations; funds, hide and skins must not exercise coercion.

Mr Altaf Hussain stated that reportedly, during the campaign of collection of funds, donations, Zakat, Fitra and hide and skins, some of the workers and office bearers exercise threat, intimidation and force in contravention to his teachings and party discipline. He said that instead of accepting the donations on voluntary basis demands had been made for pre-determined amounts. He said that he knew that the true and beloved workers do not engage themselves in this type of acts but it only takes a few to act adversely in bringing the party to disrepute. He said that it is a human psychology that once a person collects funds through coercion then that will become his mindset and he would continually exercise coercion under the garb of the party or the Movement for collection of funds. He asked that are these people acting in the best interest of the party or the nation by coercing the people when the nation is forthcoming itself in volunteering help and support?   

Mr Altaf Hussain said that the entire nation had to face immense sufferings since 19th. June 1992 and the workers are forced to languish in a destitution. However, he said that he had always pleaded that in case of a total destitution, it is better to beg than resort to stealing, robbery or coercion. He said that some of old colleagues in the party stand witnessed that during the initial years of the party, he himself had engaged from door to door collections during which people turned him away like beggars but he did not react and instead of misbehaving he extended his thanks to those who treated him like a beggar. He asked the workers and office bearers to go through self-accountability process and assess themselves whether they are following his teachings and preaching or not? He said that many Prime Ministers, Chief Ministers came to his residence including Ms. Benazir Bhutto and Mr. Nawaz Sharif and he could have easily amassed wealth, had he requested each of them to allot single plots of land but he did not do that since it would have been contrary to his teachings and preaching given to his followers.

Mr Altaf Hussain said that he had not shed tears on the callous murders of his brother Mr Nasir Hussain and nephew Mr Arif Hussain but when he remembers and sees the sufferings of the detained workers and colleagues and thinks or visualise of the martyrdom of his workers, his tears drop non-stop. “My colleagues! Your brother Altaf has endured many teardrops and has exercised self-restraint and therefore, please do not inflict further pain to him by acting adversely to his teachings and preaching”, he said. He advised the workers and office bearers to behave courteously to people on the occasion of the collection of hide and skins and not to exercise coercion and asked them to do away with their differences and follow the discipline of the party and prepare themselves mentally and physically instead of getting involved in the marriages, domestic, rental, property and others public disputes. He said that there is a total restriction on the collection of funds and donations and everyone should strictly follow this instruction and interact with people courteously whether MQM participates in the General Elections or not.

Mr Altaf Hussain said that stern disciplinary actions would be taken against those who would defy the instructions of collecting funds through coercion and any wrongful acts, irrespective of position. And if inquiry proved to be correct, he will be expelled from the party. Finally, He appealed to all the workers, office bearers, mothers, sisters and elders to unite, work in accordance with the party discipline, correct themselves and collect hide and skins for the KKF in great numbers.