Dr Imran Farooq, the Convenor of MQM Co-ordination Committee has appealed to the people of Karachi to give donations in the name of MQM only to the Members of the MQM Co-ordination Committee. He has also appealed that if someone contacts them or forces them to give donations then the matter should be reported to the MQM leaders at Nine Zero, the MQM Head Office.

Dr Imran Farooq said that a committee comprising of the Members of MQM Co-ordination Committee has been formed to collect donations and only this committee has been authorised to collect donations on behalf of the MQM.

Dr Imran Farooq emphasised to all the righteous people including the elders, mothers, sisters and the youth, to generously donate to the MQM, as the party is at present in financial crisis. He explained that this donation would be spent to continue the support to the families of those MQM leaders and workers who have been murdered extra-judicially and were the only breadwinners of their families. Moreover, support will also be presented to the families who have been forcibly displaced from their homes and those families whose breadwinners have been unlawfully arrested and are languishing in prison on false and fabricated charges.

While addressing the people of Karachi, Dr Imran Farooq said that any complaints with regards to donations can be made in confidence at Nine Zero, the MQM Head office on Phone numbers 6313690 and 63229900. Moreover, if you consider it appropriate you can contact our International Secretariat in London to register your complaints on phone number 0044-020-83589000 or on fax number 0044-020-89059527 or on email address [email protected].

Khidmat-e-Khalq Foundation (KKF)