8 February 2000

Mohammad Yousuf, the MQM Member of Pak Colony Sector Committee, who was ruthlessly murdered yesterday by the Haqiqi terrorists, was laid to rest today amongst thousands of mourners in the Mewa Shah Graveyard in Karachi. His funeral prayer was offered at the Jamia Masjid Mustafa in Walayatabad, Karachi. Among those who attended the funeral prayer included leaders of Grand Democratic Alliance (GDA) Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan (leader of Pakistan Democratic Party), Mairaj Mohammad Khan (leader of Tehrik-e-Insaaf), Asfandyar Wali Khan (President of Awami National Party), Rana Gul Afridi, Haji Adeel, Senator Zahid Hussain, Barrister Bacha, Makhdoom Ameen Fahim (leader of Pakistan Peoples Party), Qaim Ali Shah, Nisar Khuro, Jehangir Badar, Khursheed Shah, Hamid Nasir Chattha (leader of Pakistan Muslim League – Chattha Group) and Ather Siddiqui (Pakistan Awami Tehrik). Senator Aftab Ahmed Sheikh (Deputy Convenor of MQM) and Members of MQM Co-ordination Committee including Tariq Javed, Hassan Musanna Alvi, Ehsan Hashmi, Abdul Qadir Lakhani, Senator Mustapha Kamal Rizvi, other leaders and office bearers of MQM and thousands of workers and supporters attended the funeral procession of Mohammad Yousuf.

Details of the funeral procession:

The entire city of Karachi, particularly the area of Pak Colony mourned the murder of Mohammad Yousuf. All the area shops were voluntarily kept closed to offer respect and condole the tragic death. Tragic scenes were witnessed at the beginning of the funeral procession from the house of Mohammad Yousuf. His parents, brothers and the MQM workers were in tears and in a state of shock. MQM leaders kept on comforting the family members. At one stage the little son of Mohammad Yousuf while paying last respect to his father broke to tears. The coffin was covered with the flag of MQM. Thousands of people peacefully attended the miles long funeral procession. Heavy contingent of Paramilitary Rangers and Police were present. Throughout the procession, large number of ladies and elderly people came to the galleries of their apartments to pay their tribute to the deceased.