MQM is a peace loving Democratic
Party and believes in dialogue and negotiations,
sectarian harmony, religious tolerance – Altaf Hussain
MQM is not an enemy of
the PMLQ, we are the coalition partner and believe in resolving
all the issues through dialogue
Karachi – 5th December 2006
Founder & Leader Mr Altaf Hussain has stated that by organising today’s historic
and successful peaceful demonstration rally on such short notice in
and countrywide the MQM workers have once again demonstrated their commitment,
love and dedication with the Movement and Altaf Hussain. He praised them for
their efforts and dedication and said that MQM workers have today proved that
they will not hesitate to offer any sacrifice needed for the success of the
righteous struggle. He said that today’s peaceful protests are being organised
countrywide to protest against the autocratic attitude of the PMLQ as they have
been persistently taking unilateral decisions and making one-sided policies;
ignoring their trusted allies including the MQM, which has been practically
supporting the Government in all difficult times. The demonstrations have been
organised to protest against the persistent autocratic attitude of the PMLQ of
ignoring the MQM in consultation process. He reminded that during difficult
times the PMLQ has looked at the MQM for support, however, it has also continued
to ignore the MQM and after taking decision on important matters has only
informed the MQM or sought support otherwise MQM learns about the decision
through print and electronic media.
Mr Hussain said that MQM is a peace loving Democratic Party and believes in dialogue and negotiations, sectarian harmony, religious tolerance, struggling for the minority rights, women rights and for the rights of the poor and middleclass people of the country. It strongly preaches for religious tolerance and sectarian harmony instead of spreading religious extremism and has demonstrated time and again that it stands by its policies and ideology. MQM is committed to its ideology and has faced all hardship and difficulties with courage and determination. MQM is the true representative political party of the 98 percent poor and middleclass people of the country and is striving to attain their rights. He clarified that MQM is not against the rich and affluent class, it does not believe in communism or socialism but in fact it believes in the ideology of realism and praticalism. It however wants to see that the same level of respect is offered to every citizen of the country regardless if they are rich or poor. The MQM’s struggle is not against any particular community, class or an individual. It does not believe in having personal grudges or work for personal interests. For the past 59 years Pakistan is being governed on adhocism. A few families have been playing the game of musical chair and whether be there a democratic or military government, they have remained part of the Government. The rest of the 98 percent poor and middleclass people of the country are considered only to offer sacrifices, go to prison, work for their political parties and participate in their rallies – they have no rights at all. Mr Hussain said that the MQM’s philosophy is like a ray of light which will find its own way in the darkness.
Mr Hussain said that it is
unfortunate that most of the intellectuals, columnists and journalists with the
exception of a few are not
only part of this corrupt political culture but also its biggest advocates.
These intellectuals, writers and journalists do not highlight the real issues,
deprivations and difficulties faced by the citizens but have sold their pen only
to write for the feudals and on non-issues. They don’t identify the core issues
and those responsible for the destruction, deterioration, worsening economic
situation, lack of education, deteriorating and non-existing health facilities
etc. They don’t educate the people of the country so that they too have equal
rights. He reiterated that a few families are ruling the country for the past 59
years – grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts, parents are followed by their
offsprings. These families are considered to be the “respected” members of the
country and patriotic citizens. How ironic this is as the one who steals a few
hundred or thousands rupees is known as a thief, whereas, those who loot and
plunder the national exchequer of billions of rupees in the form of loans are
not called thieves or bandits but are considered as respectable members of the
community and patriotic citizens of Pakistan. He asked how long will this
injustice continue? How long will this unjust system remain in vogue? He said
that someone has to stand up and move forward against this oppression and
injustice. He reminded that those who will rise to join this righteous struggle
will be faced with hardships, they will be labelled as traitors, anti-State,
false accusations will be levelled against them and concocted evidence will be
produced to portray them as anti-State and agents of enemy –and will be forced
to leave the country. He said that in the past the MQM workers and supporters
have faced oppression and aggression for supporting Altaf Hussain; they were
extra-judicially executed, summarily arrested, tortured in custody and forced to
change their loyalties – refusing to do so they were tortured to death. He also
explained that raising the slogan for righteous struggle is easy but to carry
out practical struggle demands commitment and dedication to the mission and
cause. MQM is a living example of righteous struggle as despite the
extra-judicial execution, unlawful incarceration, torture in custody, illegal
raids and arrests – it not only survived the oppression but has continued with
its struggle and today it is more stronger then in the past. Negative propaganda
campaign was launched against the MQM that it is against the Sindhis, Punjabis,
Pashtoons, Baloch, Kashmiris and Seraikis; and it is anti-State but we faced the
oppression and our workers despite being extra-judicially executed, unlawfully
arrested and tortured in custody, remaind committed to the mission and cause and
refused to surrender or change their loyalties and by the Grace of Almighty
Allah they are committed and determined even today.
Mr Hussain said that in Pakistan today Mohajirs or Urdu Speaking people fortunately or unfortunately had practically participated in the Pakistan Movement and had a sentimental attachment to Pakistan so they become very concerned on any issue which appears to be detrimental or damaging to the country. It must be remembered that the so-called mullahs during the Pakistan Movement termed it as “Na-Pakistan” and Quaid-e-Azam as “Kaafir-e-Azam”. The MQM was left with no option but first free Mohajirs from the clutches of these so-called mullahs and then spearhead its message to every nook and corner of the country. Unfortunately a culture has developed in Pakistan where discrimination of such message or ideology is impossible therefore, first the Mohajirs were freed from the clutches of the so-called mullahs and MQM’s message was conveyed to the Sindhis, Punajbs, Baloch, Pashtoons, Seraikis, Kashmiris etc. At last with the continued efforts the time has come that all the communities of the country including all the linguistic population have come together, stand united, and adopting the MQM’s philosophy of realism and practicalism. The people of Pakistan particularly of Punjab, NWFP and Kashmir saw how the MQM organised and provided relief to the victims of devastating earthquake of 8th October 2005. They witnessed the affective organisation skills of the MQM and saw the determination and commitment of MQM workers and volunteers in providing relief to victims even in far-flung areas of the country where even the army failed to reach initially.
Mr Hussain claimed that MQM is a true representative party of the poor and middleclass which can be seen during the elections when not a single candidate is asked to deposit money for party tickets. All their expenses including nomination fees, deposit and election campaign is paid by the party centrally. Moreover, none of the ministers, city or district nazims, town nazims etc pay money to acquire party tickets.
Speaking on the feudal mentality and culture, Mr Hussain said that how can these feudals who are born with a silver spoon and travel in air-conditioned cars feel the pain of poor and middleclass who had to use public transport? How would they know the difficulties faced by poor parents in arranging the marriages of their daughters? Several of the daughters grow old simply because their poor parents are unable to arrange their dowry. This has unfortunately developed a culture in our corrupt political system where everyone is compelled to use illicit means to support their families. It is very sad that it gives rise to prostitution, intellectuals selling their intellect, writers, columnists and journalists trading their pen. It must, however, be remembered that truth although spreads slowly but prevails.
Mr Hussain expressing his concerns said that the intellectuals and writers propagate widely that Punjab is usurping the rights of other communities of the country – but they fail to present the true picture that it is in fact the 2 percent people of the exploitative class who are responsible for looting and plundering the national wealth and resources and not the common people of Punjab. When the righteous message of the MQM spread in Punjab, the self-proclaimed leaders of Punjab who consider the province as their fiefdom and the people as their serfs were furious and so resorted to inflicting atrocities upon the MQM workers to threaten them. To harass and intimidate the MQM workers in Punjab they are being unlawfully arrested, illegal raids are being conducted on their homes and false cases registered against them. It is being negatively propagated that crime rate has increased since the MQM came to Punjab – but the fact is that all the workers who join the MQM in Punjab belong to Punjab – this proves that whosoever will join the MQM will be labelled as a traitor or criminal.
Commenting on the Women Protection Bill Mr Hussain said that extensive debate was held before its presentation in the National Assembly. However it was passed from the National Assembly and the President has signed but there are some elements who consider themselves to be “Mr know it all”. They are not with the President, Prime Minister or their coalition partner but are colluding with the so-called mullahs because the so-called mullahs have always worked in partnership with the thieves, muggers and bandits. He expressed his surprise why President Musharraf is not taking notice? He appealed to the President to distinguish between friends and foes. Now when the Bill has been passed form the National Assembly and the President has also signed it – what is then the reason to hold dialogue? If dialogue and consultation is part of a democratic system then why have these taken place with the so-called mullahs and not with the coalition partners? In democracy negotiations and dialogues are not only held with the opposition but also the consultation process is held with the trusted and tried allies. Can those with limited knowledge of Sharia hold dialogue with Ulemas? The PML does not have half the knowledge of Shariat as compared to the MQM leaders. Why the MQM was not invited to take part in the dialogue? Now the ball is in PMLQ’s court and they have to decide if they consider the MQM as their coalition partner or not?
While strongly condemning the illegal raids and unlawful arrests, harassment and intimidation of MQM workers in Punjab Mr Hussain warned that people in Punjab from all walks of life are joining the MQM and they refuse to surrender despite all the oppression. He paid huge heartiest tributes to MQM worker in Punjab, he termed them as courageous, steadfast and brave despite being arrested and their homes raided remained committed and dedicated. He also paid huge tributes to MQM workers in NWFP and Azad Kashmir for participating in large numbers in the peaceful protest demonstrations organised in the respective provinces. Addressing the Sindhi workers, Mr Hussain paid huge tributes and said that despite the feudals threatening and harassing the MQM workers in interior Sindh through the police and administration – they showed great courage and determination. He also paid tributes to all the MQM Zones in Sindh including Hyderabad, Mirpurkhas, Sukkur and Sanghar. In the end he paid tributes to the mothers, sisters, elders and youth of Karachi for participating in such large numbers, the Coordination Committee, Sectors, Units, and workers for making the peaceful rally a huge success.
Mr Hussain in the end said that the MQM is not an enemy of the PMLQ, we are the coalition partner and believe in resolving all the issues through dialogue and negotiations but the PMLQ leaders have to play their role so that the PMLQ and the MQM can serve the people together. He appealed to stop the raids and arrests of MQM workers and to stop the persecution of MQM workers specially in Punjab.