London – 24 December 1999
Dr Imran Farooq, Convenor of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) in his statement said that certain important officials of the present military government are openly supporting the Haqiqi terrorists. He said that the MQM Investigation Team is investigating the facts regarding the reactivation of Haqiqis in Karachi since 12 October 1999. According to MQM Investigation Team, preparations are being put together to launch a fresh operation against Mohajirs and the MQM. For that purpose, a high-ranking official of the Army and his subordinates are not only guiding the Haqiqi terrorists but are also helping them to infiltrate throughout the city as well as providing them with funds and ammunition. According to the MQM Investigation Team, certain officials of the Army and their agents are bribing the MQM leaders to change the allegiance. The information further revealed that on the eve of 23 December 1999, a Brigadier along with his staff went to Bait-Ul-Hamza (Headquarters of Haqiqi Terrorists) and met its ringleader and handed over a large sum of money. Dr Imran Farooq requested the Chief Executive General Parvez Musharraf to depute one of his trusted officers to verify the findings of the MQM Investigation Team. If General Parvez Musharraf desired then the names and the ranking of the officers involved in reorganising, patronising, arming and funding the Haqiqi Terrorists, can be relayed through newspapers. Dr Imran Farooq demanded of the Chief Executive to have this information thoroughly investigated and intervene to stop the patronisation of Haqiqi terrorists by those Army Officers.