London – 11 April 2000

Mr Altaf Hussain, MQM Founder and Leader, has said that in the near future as a result of the rapid progress in the field of genetic engineering and genetic science, a time will come when not only the ageing process of the people will stop but also the aged people could return to younger age. He was addressing a joint meeting of Members of the MQM Co-ordination Committee, Members of National and Provincial Assemblies, Senators, elders and workers of Ladies Wing at Nine Zero, the MQM Head Office. Full details of the address including his comments on the conspiracies of sectarian violence in the month of Moharram, relief activities of KKF in Thar and other issues will be release tomorrow.

Mr Altaf Hussain explained in his address that a week ago, as a result of the scientific research conducted by the geneticists of California University and the Illinois University of America, they have discovered a new gene called P-21. In the human body there are 61 genes responsible for the ageing and decaying process of the body. The newly found gene P-21 controls most of the 61 genes. According to the scientific research, if the gene P-21 is turned on, then it will stop the process of genes responsible for ageing and as a result will stop the decaying process of the body. Mr Hussain said that due to this new scientific research, in the near future, such medicines and methods will be invented which will stop the decaying process of the cells thus effectively stopping the ageing process. In other words whatever the age it will remain the same. Mr Hussain said that due to advanced scientific research in the future, such medicine and methods will be introduced in the market, which will activate those portions of genes in the human body that are responsible for producing healthy cells. As a result the rate of producing healthy cells will increase and the decaying process of the cells will stop. Thus not only the ageing process will be halted but also a reverse cycle will start and older people will become younger. It will then be possible for a person to choose for his age, i.e. if he wants to be of 20 years, 30 years, 50 years or 60 years.

Mr Hussain said that as a result of this development and research in genetic science not only old age will be eliminated but also the diseases relating to old agedisorder such as cancer, AIDS, , diseases relating to genetic problems and genetic arthritisfrom these fatal diseases., plague and other fatal diseases could also be cured and humans will be salvaged