London – 5 April 2000 

Mr Altaf Hussain, MQM Founder and Leader, held an academic session with the intellectuals, scientists, physicians and the students of philosophy, psychology and metaphysics on 4 April 2000, at the MQM International Secretariat, London.  ‘Life After Death’ was the subject matter over which academic and scholastic views were exchanged.  On the theme ‘life after death’, observed Mr Altaf Hussain, ‘innumerable books and monographs of Research Institutes have been published which also include the personal experiences of those who revived (in their own belief) after death.’  Though it is very interesting, rather fascinating subject, observed Mr Altaf Hussain, ‘as to what happened after death, it is a time consuming and complex phenomena, and rather difficult to arrive at conclusive findings.’  ‘In the light of the published research literature on the subject, in my perception, may be rightly or wrongly, but still based on these research-scholars findings, justified in deducing that the human genes are the repository of the events, incidents, experiences, experiments and the lingering memories of the ancestors.  Genes, in turn, cause the formation of various limbs, which also includes an important part, i.e. the brain.  By this way all the ancestral beliefs, experiences, events, experiments and observations are transferred to the next generation in succession.  All these events, memories, experiences, dogmas etc when transferred (through the genes) from the immediate ancestor to the offspring, are safely ensconced in the sub-conscious or sub-sub-conscious mind which for convenience sake may be termed as the archive of the new born child,’ said Mr Hussain.  He added, ‘sometimes man dreams unusual scenes, occurrences, events which he never witnessed or experienced hitherto, yet he feels as if he had seen these things before.  Some of the dreams, as he wakes up, remain fresh in his memory.  And on analysis and to his astonishment he finds that he actually and physically was present in that environment and that he witnessed all those places, buildings, and localities as part of his routine normal life, though in fact in his real life he had never seen these things.  In the light of these experiences, it becomes very evident that the genes of ancestors containing some information are transferred to the new born child.’  Mr Hussain observed, ‘the human spirit or energy, it seems, to be one of the type of an ‘electrical current’.  When man dies, the spirit along with his thoughts takes an upward flight.  And as spirit is invisible and cannot be seen or touched, similarly, the thoughts, feelings, desires, beliefs, dogmas and such like abstract objects which remain locked in the conscious, sub-conscious or sub-sub-conscious of the deceased cannot be seen.’

Continuing he said, ‘the spirit or rather the electrical current – the main ingredient of human body, when takes off its cage, the body becomes inactive and lifeless, and the conscious part of the body also comes to an end.  But when the spirit leaves the dead body, then probably it takes along with it all the information stored in the man’s sub-conscious and sub-sub-conscious (mind).  That may be the reason that the spirit is confronted with such like experiences and witnesses whatever have been transferred from his ancestors.  This means that whatever thoughts, feelings, belief, faith, dogma and ideals of the ancestors are transferred to the spirit; it is confronted with the same experiences. Thus if the dead one is Muslim, normally he sees the Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa (PBUH), and other akabireen and buzurgs of Islam.  If the dead one in Christian, then normally the spirit sees Jesus Christ and his disciples.  If the dead one is Hindu, then the spirit may see Bhagwan, Ram, Hanuman, Krishna, Lakhshmi and other Gods and Goddesses.  If the dead is Jew then it witnesses Moses and his disciples.’  Mr Hussain added, ‘in the same way different persons see their prophets and his disciples in dreams. Exactly in the same way Ahle Tashi experience the exhortation of Hazrat Imam Hussain, Hazrat Sakina, Hazrat Fatima, Hazrat Ali while asleep.  Ahle Sunnah too have the basharats of their Buzurgs and religious leaders.

Mr Altaf Hussain said that on ‘what happens after death’, there are a lot of books and published research papers which are available in all libraries and bookshops, which contain some of the experiences of those who claimed to have died but came back to life.  He concluded that the issue, what happens after death, is rather time consuming and hence it is difficult to arrive at a definite conclusion, though it is an interesting but a complex theme.  In view of the shortage of time, we will have next session when I would like to make further observations in the light of the research. 


Thank you.